Tuesday 6 March 2012

We Are All Up For Sale, But What Are We Worth?

Its that time of year when students (such as myself) are coming out of college and university. The problem is that its not two or three students, there are thousands on their way out looking for a job. We are now selling ourselves and are going to be on the market. Just like products on a shelf, each one will have a different worth. Its our duty as new, prospective employees to make sure we have top worth and can be an actual asset to a company.

So what can we do to make sure we are worth the buy? 

Something every student should be working on is a powerful resume. To employers, we are just a student. Without a solid resume, your just a name on a piece of paper. The resume is very important, but you will also have an interview to nail (if you get the chance to). Its important to take some time and hone your interview skills. No matter what's on your resume, a sloppy and unprepared interviewee will not be worth anything. One last thing to think about are old bad habits. That's exactly what they need to be, old. You have to do what ever you can do to drop them and turn your weaknesses, into strengths.

Remember to keep in mind that its time to dust ourselves off and make sure we get bought. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point Brandon, about eliminating old habits. It can really turn into a strength for an individual if they can turn around their weaknesses. Interview skills are a must in today's highly competitive hiring world. Employers will be choosing those they feel are right for a company based on their soft personality skills/traits.

    At the end of the day, employers say to themselves, "I remember this person because they did this..." and will choose a person based on this instinctual reaction. It certainly can help though, if you can show something you know only you have, which is unique amongst the rest of your competition. Something that speaks to the employer that tells them "this is me, and this is why you should hire me".

    Good blog post Brandon.
