Monday 20 February 2012

Inventors Than, Innovators Now

I was watching a program on new, young inventors. The ideas and designs being shown were amazing. All of these products will have a life changing impact on our society. With all that said, I couldn't help think that we shouldn't be calling them inventors, rather innovators. It feels like anything you think of has already been made but that doesn't mean it has been done right. I but my own blog in this question. Has a blog already been made of a students thoughts on marketing and his future? I could find hundreds of them in Kingston alone. I have not come to make a new product, instead I have chosen to create an insightful spin on student blogs.

You have to think of the old saying "I am not trying to reinvent the wheel". What you want to do is make the best wheel you can make. It may have already been done similar but has it been done right? Once you have made this wheel, you now have to sell this wheel. Will someone want to buy this product or does your consumer already have a wheel they use? All of these questions need to be asked when coming up with your idea. Remember even if you are in innovator, you in fact are a inventor.

Try to think of these steps before you want to invent something. Your invention could be anything. It could be a type of meal, device or service. This mindset can be successful for any product or idea. Don't dwell on the creating something new, think about creating something brilliant.


  1. Very good point you make Brandon, with regards to not perceiving something to be "invented" as new. Something can be immensely popular, and it can have much of the same characteristics/elements as other products and services.

    I think one of the most difficult things with innovation is the self-restrictive traps we put on ourselves (the mindset of saying that has already been done, or know one could possibly want to use this). The start is simply where it ends for most innovative concepts, and that is truly a shame because the question will remain: did I really know if this would fail?

    Good blog post Brandon.

  2. This post resonates with me Brandon.

    Your insight is thought provoking. There is so much talk in today's society about being original. About changing the world through creating new innovative products. Products that are designed from ideas that have never been though of before.

    Yeah right.

    Do you know how many people there are in this world? Even those who have generated ideas that were completely revolutionary probably stole somebody's idea without knowing it. A wal-mart employee probably thought of the idea for the i-pod than got too caught up with their day to do anything about it. Nothing is original anymore.

    Innovate. Create a product that people can market. Create a product that is simply better than any other product that may be similar. That's what Zuckerburg did. Worked out alright for that guy.

    Good post Brandon.

