Saturday 21 January 2012

Motivation Nation; Wait Where is Everyone?

Its Saturday night early in my semester and I decided to come home to get the last bit of R&R that I will be able to enjoy before I am overwhelmed with school. My chest infection has just about finished up and I am back to just under 100%. We all want to be at that 100% mark but find ways to drop that number with small things such as a late night or early morning. We could have ate too much or haven't ate enough. It could be blaming it on someone else or another close to you. All these little effects build which is keeping us at a 80% or 75% area. 

Is it the small things holding us back or is it really ourselves? 

Motivation is that one thing you can look for over and over again, but never find. Although it may come naturally to others. Sometimes all you need is that small spark of motivation and the fire of production will burn forever. In the late months of 2011, I found my self in a physical fitness class. It was there which I might have learned the best lesson of the year and a something that I will not forget. What the lesson was is  " If you do something for three weeks, it becomes a habit ". You will want to do it and it becomes addictive. Three weeks. Thats a week shy of a month. You can almost count the days on your hands and feet. 

If you find yourself without motivation or without that drive. Why can't you take it upon yourself to do this three week challenge. Whether its going to the gym, finishing a project or maybe something new. Give it your best three weeks and it will hopefully be the last three weeks that you have to worry about. After that you wont think about doing it, it will be now second nature. If you have anything you have been worrying about or overcome ? Share your experience.

Thanks for coming by, enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  1. Motivation is a difficult thing to come by, without a doubt. Persistance is a key element in developing it, and knowing what the value is going to be with whatever task an individual is applying themselves to will help accomplish any goal that is set.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really took value out of this post Brandon.

    Motivation comes easy when you are passionate about something.

    Do you think that Wayne Gretzky had a problem getting up and going to the rink every morning for hockey practice? Probably not. But the guy most definitely hated having to mow the lawn, or shovel the driveway (not that he probably had to do that anyways, but that's not the point).

    Everybody has to do things they don't like to do sometimes. Motivation is the vehicle that gets you from that horrible task, to the finish line which is conveniently located on the couch with the big screen television in front of it.

    The key to success is being able to push yourself beyond that familiar wall of "i can't". No matter how difficult or tedious the task may be. Those who can skillfully do the things they hate doing are the ones that differentiate themselves from the rest.

    Challenge yourself, do something that pushes your limits. You might just learn something.
